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en:start [2024-05-15 21:36 UTC] – Move English start page content to own page. juneen:start [2025-03-04 18:41 UTC] (current) – sold out dario
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-The **22nd Easterhegg** will take place from+====== Easterhegg 2025 ======
-**18th to 21st of April 2025** at \\ +The **22nd Easterhegg** – Unhandled Eggception – will take place from the **18th to 21st of April 2025** in **Hamburg**.
-**Kulturzentrum Kampnagel \\ +
-Jarrestraße 20 \\ +
-22303 Hamburg \\ +
-Germany** \\+
-Further information will follow. \\ +===== Quick Facts ===== 
-Basic information regarding travel, accomodation and location can be found on the pages of the [[|20th Easterhegg 2023]] which took place in the same location.+ 
 +  * **What?:** a comfy community event with lots of workhops 
 +  * **When?:** 18th to 21st of April 2025 (easter weekend) 
 +  * **Where?:** [[|Kampnagel]], Hamburg, Germany 
 +  * **Who?:** EH22 is organized by [[|CCC Hamburg]] 
 +  * [[|Call for Participation]] 
 +  * **Tickets:** __**sold out**__ 
 +  * **Merch:** Merch sales are open until March 9th | [[en:merch|more info]] 
 +  * [[|link to ticket & merch shop]] 
 +  * **Matrix room**: [[|]] 
 +  * **Matrix space**: [[|]] 
 +===== Further Information ===== 
 +Further information will be released on this website and the [[|Fediverse]] soon.