Icons can help with conveying meaning or to help with directions. In order to fit into the overall theme, we wanted to have a set of icons that implement the same design characteristics and rules as the logo, about which you can read more here, and our font, Argon Glow, which we talk about more in the typography.
Of course, creating a full iconset would require years of work for such a small team, which is why we focused on the icons needed for the wiki, styleguide and signage on the event. At time of writing that is still roughly sixty icons which we needed to design. They can be found in the form of this icon overview and in our design repository.
Luckily, the rules which the icons needed to adhere to, also meant, that the icons would need to be fairly simple. Uniform bend-radii (based on a circle, not bezier), a minimum gap distance, and as few lines as possible, all within a limited canvas size. In the end, we decide on an SVG canvas of 600 by 600 units with a uniform grid of 25 units between gridlines. Line width was set to 50 units, and the same for a 90° bend's radius. Because gaps didn't always align perfectly to the grid, they were chosen to always be at least 50 units and rounded up to the next gridline. Because we are aiming at a neon-esque tube look, line-caps were set to rounded, adding a semicircle with a radius of 25 units.