Logo of Easterhegg 2025. In the style of a neon sign:
     The text 'Unhandled Eggception Easterhegg 2025' with a line art of a hare and an egg.
     The egg shell and the word 'Eggception' are glowing in a light blue, everything else in a bright pink. Logo of Easterhegg 2025. In the style of a unpowered neon sign:
     The text 'Unhandled Eggception Easterhegg 2025' with a line art of a hare and an egg.
     The egg shell and the word 'Eggception' are dimly glowing in a dark blue, everything else in a dark pink.


Work in progress This page is still under development.
Not all resources may be available yet, explanations and examples may be missing and things may change without notice.


To add the glow to something of a given height (or fontsize), here 1em, one needs to calculate four values:

The first three values are used for drop-shadows, the last for an inset shadow. Sadly, the latter is currently not possible using plain CSS filters. Which is why it requires the use of an SVG filter. But support for external SVG filters (using url("filter.svg#filter-id")) is still flaky, we instead opted to have two versions of each glow. One using SVG filters for use-cases which support it (like the logo), and one using CSS filters (as for this page's headings). Below you'll find implementation examples using the primary color CSS variable for the glow color as specified in our (S)CSS stylesheets. Simply replace --color-primary with --color-secondary to use the secondary color.


To add the dim glow to something of a given height (or fontsize), here 1em, one needs to calculate one value: a thirtysecond; here 0.03125.

The value is needed for both drop shadows and inset shadows. Sadly, the latter is currently not possible using plain CSS filters. Which is why it requires the use of an SVG filter. But support for external SVG filters (using url("filter.svg#filter-id")) is still flaky, we instead opted to have to versions of each glow. One using SVG filters for use-cases which support it (like the logo), and one using CSS filters (as for this page's headings). Below you'll find implementation examples. They specify tones of the primary color using their respective CSS variable in our stylesheet. You can simply replace each occurence of "primary" with "secondary" and "argon" with "krypton" to get a glow of the secondary color.