Logo of Easterhegg 2025. In the style of a neon sign:
     The text 'Unhandled Eggception Easterhegg 2025' with a line art of a hare and an egg.
     The egg shell and the word 'Eggception' are glowing in a light blue, everything else in a bright pink. Logo of Easterhegg 2025. In the style of a unpowered neon sign:
     The text 'Unhandled Eggception Easterhegg 2025' with a line art of a hare and an egg.
     The egg shell and the word 'Eggception' are dimly glowing in a dark blue, everything else in a dark pink.

Image Generator

We wanted images to (optionally) have a glitchy, distorted appearance. To achieve this, we apply two effects to an image. Firstly, bright vertical edges in an image are highlighted by adding a parallel line in our primary color to their left and in our secondary color to their right hand side. Secondly, the image gets distorted by offsetting different parts of the image horizontally, seemingly by random amounts, but it is actually somewhat osscilating.

This page utilizes a small bit of Javascript to add an SVG filter to an image of your choice. The resulting image will then be previewed further below and can be downloaded using a button at the end of the page. Not all browsers' canvas implementations generate the same outcome, especially firefox tends to create wrong results, so we recommend using a chromium based browser for creating these exports.