Logo of Easterhegg 2025. In the style of a neon sign:
     The text 'Unhandled Eggception Easterhegg 2025' with a line art of a hare and an egg.
     The egg shell and the word 'Eggception' are glowing in a light blue, everything else in a bright pink. Logo of Easterhegg 2025. In the style of a unpowered neon sign:
     The text 'Unhandled Eggception Easterhegg 2025' with a line art of a hare and an egg.
     The egg shell and the word 'Eggception' are dimly glowing in a dark blue, everything else in a dark pink.


This page contains examples for various text-components and fonts, as well as colorpalettes, images, and so on. Use can use it to get familiar with the design and as a reference for styling your own content.

Overview of Link-Highlighting

Regular Link: https://eh22.easterhegg.eu/
Hover/Focus/Active Link: https://eh22.easterhegg.eu/
Visited Link: https://eh22.easterhegg.eu/

Ordered and Unordered Lists

This is just a simple section containing plain text as well as some lists. This way you can get a feel for how lists fit into their surrounding content. Have a look at this ordered list: We simply prefix each item with a one-indexed, right aligned number followed by a dot.

  1. Short item no. 1.
  2. Long item in the middle. This item is longer then one visual line, which is why it wraps over into the next line and therefore moves the next item further down.
  3. Long item at the end, which is also longer than one visual line. It also wraps over into the next line, but there is no next item to move.

But sometimes, the order of items doesn't matter, in that case, we instead put a basic bullet point infront of each item:

  • Short item no. 1.
  • Long item in the middle. This item is longer then one visual line, which is why it wraps over into the next line and therefore moves the next item further down.
  • Long item at the end, which is also longer than one visual line. It also wraps over into the next line, but there is no next item to move.

Preformatted Text

This example uses manual syntax highlighting using the predefined CSS classes mentioned in the typography:

#include <stdlib.h>

int *positives(int *numbers, int *size) {
    int new_size = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < *size; i++) {
        if (numbers[i] >= 0) {
            numbers[new_size] = numbers[i];

    *size = new_size;
    return realloc(numbers, sizeof(*numbers) * new_size);

This is a simple function written in C, which removes all negative integers from an array and updates its element count.

Section With Image

When including images in your content, you can opt into applying an SVG filter that adds visual glitches to the image. This shouldn't be used on images with text or important details, because the glitches will most likely reduce readability. Let's use the following plain image:

A version 2 qrcode containing the text 'Never gonna give you up!'
Example image without any distortion applied.

We wanted to add the ability to simply specify a CSS class on an HTML image tag (or any other tag for that matter) to apply an SVG filter dynamically, but this won't render said filter in Apple's Safari (and sometimes not even in Chromium-based browsers), which has been a known issue for many years. So instead, we made a simple web-tool to apply the filter to an image and export it as a PNG.

The same image as before, except with a glitchy filer applied. The first effect applies to bright edges, which get painted pink and blue to their left and right hand side respectively. The second effect distorts the image by offsetting parts of the image horizontally by seemingly random yet somewhat osscilating amounts.
Example image with visual glitches applied.

Of course, every image should include an image description. No matter if its a website, social media post, or a PDF. Most if not all wordprocessors (this includes Word, LaTeX and Typst) support this in one way or another.

We would also prefer it, if no one uses "AI-generated" images. The entire event design was created through hard work by living beings. No LLM/GenAI was involved in any part of the design processes. So we kindly ask you not to use tools which are based on theft, actively harm artist and destroy our planet in the process. ("AI-generated" of course does not apply to generative art and similar, but to LLMs/GenAI.)