Logo of Easterhegg 2025. In the style of a neon sign:
     The text 'Unhandled Eggception Easterhegg 2025' with a line art of a hare and an egg.
     The egg shell and the word 'Eggception' are glowing in a light blue, everything else in a bright pink. Logo of Easterhegg 2025. In the style of a unpowered neon sign:
     The text 'Unhandled Eggception Easterhegg 2025' with a line art of a hare and an egg.
     The egg shell and the word 'Eggception' are dimly glowing in a dark blue, everything else in a dark pink.

Color Guide

The design consists of two sets of colors: lightmode and darkmode. Each set consists of the same number of colors, each of which has its own function. At the end of the page, one can find an overview of all defined colors for quick lockup. Read on for the functions of each color.

The fore- and background colors are chosen for good contrast and are the same but swapped for light- and darkmode. Most backgrounds should use the background color and most texts should use the foreground color. In some cases, more subtelty is needed:

Additionally, there are also colors for various design elements. The accent colors can be used for whatever one desires, but are especially intended for use in hyperlinks like this:

Overview of link highlighting
Regular Link: https://eh22.easterhegg.eu/
Hover/Focus/Active Link: https://eh22.easterhegg.eu/
Visited Link: https://eh22.easterhegg.eu/

Other than that, there are two more colors: the error and the success color. Intended for anything regarding user-feedback, they should tell someone that something is a critical action, has some positive or negativ meaning or progresses something in some way or form.

Digital Media


Fore- & Background
Background Shades
Text Shades
Primary & Secondary
Error & Success


Fore- & Background
Background Shades
Text Shades
Primary & Secondary
Error & Success


Our primary and secondary colors are also defined for CMYK printing:

CMYK Colors