====== Arrival and Departure ====== ===== Road contruction ===== As of the beginning of February until well after the event, Jarrestraße is a one-way street due to construction works.\\ As it stands we expect westerly traffic, towards B5/Barmbeker Straße to be diverted via Wiesendamm and Weidestraße.\\ This also affects buses running towards central station.\\ The next alternative stop is about 500m further by foot. ===== Public transit ===== This page describes arrival and departure.\\ Further information on public transit is on it's [[en:transit|own page]]. You know the drill: avoid using a car. Public transit in Hamburg it not that bad, just give it a shot.\\ If you arrive by public transit, this is an inspiration for you "last mile": === From central station === Use the Bus 17 (Destinations U/S Barmbek, Karlshöhe or U Berne).\\ It departs from the Kirchenallee platform near Platform 1/2 on the other side of the road.\\ Your stop will be "Jarrestraße (Kampnagel)", which will take about 24 minutes and a single trip fare "AB" of 3,90€. === To central station === Use Bus 6 or 17 (Destinations Auf dem Sande or U Feldstraße) from "Semperstraße" stop in Semperstraße.\\ Expect a single trip fare "AB" of 3,90€ and a 24 minutes ride. === From the airport === If you arrive by plane (really?), take the S1 to Barmbek Station.\\ Use the Wiesendamm exit and take the Bus 17 towards "U Feldstraße".\\ Your stop will be "Semperstraße" "Jarrestraße (Kampnagel)", which will take about 25 minutes and a single trip fare "AB" of 3,90€. === To the airport === Use Bus 17 or 172 (Destinations Lentersweg, U/S Barmbek, Karlshöhe or U Berne) to "U/S Barmbek".\\ Change into the S1 train to "Airport/Poppenbüttel". **Make sure to use one of the first three coaches.**\\ Expect a single trip fare "AB" of 3,90€ and a 26 minutes ride. ===== By car ===== To spare out planet, we kindly ask you to consider alternatives.\\ Maybe you can make do with public transit or carpooling? If you still want to come by car, consider taking more people along or transporting heavy luggage for others. Please also take easter traffic into consideration, expect traffic jams and high fuel prices.\\ Generally, city traffic in Hamburg is no fun. Its ranked top 3 worst congestion just after Berlin and Munich.\\ [[https://www.autozeitung.de/stau-ranking-deutschland-195922.html|Source]] The address is: Jarrestraße 20 22303 Hamburg [[http://maps.openrouteservice.org/directions?n1=53.584015&n2=10.020746&n3=17&a=null,null,53.584015,10.020746&b=0&c=0&k1=en-US&k2=km|Routenplaner]] ==== Parking ==== On site there is a paid parking garage accesible by stairs (ca. 50m).\\ __Unfortunately there is **no elevator** available.__ There are entry ramps from Barmbeker Straße or Jarrestraße.\\ Parking fare is 2€/hour. You can get a 5€ discount by using a machine in the foyer.\\ Free parking is hard to come by in the area. Behind the halls in front of the administration building, there are 2 parking spots for visitors with sensoric of physical limitations and the according parking pass.\\ From there you have level access to Kampnagel (ca. 100m).\\ The driveway is at Jarrestraße 20, on premises keep to the left. **Around Kampnagel there are few to no parking spots! Come by public transit if you have a chance to!** ===== By boat ===== **From the seas** **//North sea//** Enter the Elbe river from the German Bight, keep right of center, depending on draught also off the waterway.\\ Vessels that are small enough to reach the destination are not exempt from the [[https://www.elbe-pilot.de/cms/|pilot mandate]]. This section of the Elbe river is subject to tide. Keep up to date with the constantly changing conditions [[https://www.bsh.de/EN/DATA/Predictions/Tides/tides_node.html|here]].\\ Follow the waterway into the harbour: [[https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/53.5407/9.9802|53.5407, 9.9802]] **//Baltic sea//** Enter the Kiel canal from the Kiel Fjord.\\ The Kiel canal is open to "sport boats" only between sunrise and sunset. Traversal is subject to a fare.\\ Boats small enough to reach the destination are exempt from the pilot-mandate. However sailing is forbidden.\\ Also you have to have radar to traverse at night. [https://www.blauwasser.de/reviere/Nord-Ostsee-Kanal|More Information]]. From the Brunsbüttel locks, follow the Elbe to the Hamburg harbour as described above. Alternatively: Use the Elbe-Lübeck Canal to Lauenburg (Elbe), though numerous locks.\\ Then follow the elbe downstream to Geesthacht and traverse the locks there.\\ From here the Elbe river is tidal. Check the tides [[https://www.bsh.de/EN/DATA/Predictions/Tides/tides_node.html|here]].\\ Continue to Hamburg harbor as described above. //From [[https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/53.5407/9.9802|53.5407, 9.9802]]// You can store your Vessel at the [[https://www.citysporthafen.hamburg/en/marina.html|City Sport boat marina]].\\ From here we recommend public transit as it is faster and easier. But still: //Any experts? Please translate this jargon-hell// Ansteuerung des Binnenhafens, Passage der Niederbaumbrücken. Anschließend Backbord, Einfahrt in das Alsterfleet "seeseitig", Passage der Otto-Sill-Brücke und der Binnenhafenbrücke. Schleusung zu Berg, Passage der Schaartorschleuse. (Bei hohen Wasserständen der Elbe nicht passierbar, ab hier gilt eine [[http://www.landesrecht-hamburg.de/jportal/portal/page/bshaprod.psml?nid=3&showdoccase=1&doc.id=jlr-AlsterSchVHApP2&st=lr|Fahrerlaubnispflicht]] für Motorfahrzeuge, [[https://lsbg.hamburg.de/ueber-uns/unsere-geschaeftsbereiche/geschaeftsbereich-betriebe/schleusenbetriebszeiten | Schleusenzeiten]], Rufnummer: 040 428403204) Nach der Schaartorschleuse dem Alsterfleet Richtung NO bis zur Rathausschleuse folgen. Schleusung zu Berg ([[https://lsbg.hamburg.de/ueber-uns/unsere-geschaeftsbereiche/geschaeftsbereich-betriebe/schleusenbetriebszeiten|Schleusenzeiten]], Rufnummer: 040 428402442), kleine Alster bis Reesendammbrücke, Binnenalster bis Lombardsbrücke / Kennedybrücke, Überquerung des 10. Meridians ostwärts, entsprechnde Zeremonie für Erstpassiernede empfohlen, anschließend auf der Außenalster bis [[https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/53.5761/10.0061|53.5761, 10.0061]], Einfahrt in den Langen Zug, Passage der Langenzugbrücke und Einfahrt in den Osterbekkanal bis [[https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/53.58341/10.02454|53.58341, 10.02454]], die Nutzung der Anlegeplätze ist bisher nicht geklärt und muss einzeln vom Schiffsführenden entschieden werden. Voilà...